Acupuncture Point Injection Therapy (APIT) is the injection of a small amount of saline, herb/plant extracts, vitamins such as B-12, or homeopathic solutions such as Traumeel into an acupuncture point, not intravenously.
In addition to your acupuncture treatment, sterile substances can be injected into acupuncture points for pain management to increase energy, restore you health, and prevent diseases. By stimulating powerful acupuncture points with proven natural substances, we can treat your body on a deeper level.
Acupuncture injection therapy differs from acupuncture in that the needles are filled with solutions that are injected. Depending on your reason for treatment, there are a variety of injectables that may be administered during your treatment session. Injection solution doses are adjusted and customized to the specific needs of the patient, then injected into the appropriate acupuncture point.
APIT is not a substitute for traditional acupuncture, but rather an adjunctive treatment that may be beneficial for you in attaining healing.
Each injection takes about 10-15 minutes. They can be done during your acupuncture session, or alone in a separate appointment.
Benefits of Acupuncture Injection Therapy include:
Has very few side effects, and is safe if you are currently on multiple medications.
Can be a beneficial substitute for NSAIDS if you are unable to take them, or have a sensitivity.
A suitable alternative to corticosteroid injections.
Safe for patients who have medical conditions such has heart disease or diabetes.
Some of the Injectables that are currently available:
Vitamin B 12 - Benefits neurological disorders like progressive memory loss and lethargy. Used successfully in treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Lymphomyosot - It promotes metabolic processes and activates lymph outflow from the tissues resulting in elimination of toxic substances from the inter cellular space.
Spascupreel - For the temporary relief of muscle spasms anywhere in the body including abdominal cramps, menstrual cramps, spasmodic cough, intestinal colic, and smooth musculature spasms.
Traumeel- Injuries such as sprains, dislocations, contusions, effusions of blood and effusions into a joint, fractures; post-operative and post- traumatic edema and swelling of the soft tissues.
Zeel - For degenerative arthritic conditions and joint stiffness